Rahmenprogramm des BMBF zur Förderung der empirischen Bildungsforschung



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Autoren Pashiardis, Petros; Brauckmann, Stefan  
Titel Leadership styles and school climate variables of the Pashiardis-Brauckmann holistic leadership framework. An intimate relationship?  
Erscheinungsjahr 2014  
Sammelwerk Pashiardis, Petros (Hrsg.): Modeling school leadership across Europe.  
Verlag Dordrecht u.a.: Springer  
ISBN 978-94-007-7289-2; 94-007-7289-0  
Dokumenttyp Sammelwerksbeitrag; gedruckt  
Beigaben grafische Darstellungen; Tabellen  
Sprache englisch  
Forschungsschwerpunkt Steuerung im Bildungssystem  
Schlagwörter Führungsstil; Befragung; Empirische Untersuchung; Evaluation; Faktorenanalyse; Erwartung; Schulleiter; Elternmitwirkung; Schulkultur; Lehrer; Lehrerfortbildung; Schüler; Interaktion; Schulerfolg; Feed-back; Lernen; Lehren; Internationaler Vergleich; Einflussfaktor; Konzeption; Modell; Deutschland; England; Italien; Niederlande; Norwegen; Slowenien; Ungarn  
Abstract In this chapter, school climate variables are employed in order to explore school principals' influence on student achievement through the Pashiardis-Brauckmann holistic leadership framework. The aim is to identify the mechanisms through which leadership influences student learning. For the purposes of the LISA project, a number of school climate variables were used as mediating variables between the principal's leadership styles and student achievement. All analyses pointed towards a model comprising seven such mediating factors. The seven school climate factors were labeled as follows: professional development opportunities, evaluation and feedback, teacher commitment, parental involvement, teaching and learning practices, student-teacher interactions, and student expectations. Then, an analysis was performed that examined the degree to which school leadership styles reliably predicted school climate variables. The findings suggest that the instructional, the structuring, and the entrepreneurial leadership styles are utilized by school principals in order to enhance student achievement. (DIPF/Orig.)  
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Förderkennzeichen 01JG1007