Rahmenprogramm des BMBF zur Förderung der empirischen Bildungsforschung



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Autoren Nawani, Jigna; Kotzebue, Lena; Rixius, Julia; Graml, Michael; Neuhaus, Birgit J.  
Titel Teachers' use of focus questions in german biology classrooms. A video-based naturalistic study.  
URL https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-017-9837-z  
Erscheinungsjahr 2018, Jg. 16, H. 8  
Seitenzahl S. 1431-1451  
Zeitschrift International journal of science and mathematics education  
ISSN 1571-0068; 1573-1774  
Dokumenttyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz; online; gedruckt  
Beigaben Literaturangaben  
Sprache englisch  
Forschungsschwerpunkt Promotionsförderung für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/-innen - Empirische Fundierung der Fachdidaktiken  
Schlagwörter Allgemeinbildung; Fragebogen; Fragebogenerhebung; Sekundäranalyse; Unterrichtsbeobachtung; Motivationsforschung; Schuljahr 09; Lehrer; Lehrerbildung; Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung; Schüler; Fachwissen; Wissenstest; Interesse; Lehr-Lern-Forschung; Lehr-Lern-Prozess; Wissenserwerb; Wissensstruktur; Videoanalyse; Biologie; Biologieunterricht; Videotechnik; Aufgabe  
Abstract This study investigated the effects of teachers' use of focus questions on students' knowledge structures and classroom teaching-learning process by re-analyzing selected data from a quasi-experimental pre-post video study (Wadouh, 2007). Focus questions are content-related anchoring questions highlighting the key content taught in individual lessons (Forbes & Davis, 2010). In Wadouh' study, students answered a knowledge test before and after the lesson on "blood and the circulatory system" and one lesson per teacher was videotaped to investigate teaching practices in grade 9 biology classrooms. Students also completed a post-unit concept mapping exercise and a motivation-interest questionnaire. In this study, 30 lesson videos selected from 47 were re-analyzed for teachers' use of focus questions - no focus questions, non-specific or simple focus questions, and specific and challenging focus questions. Individual students' scores in the concept mapping exercise were aggregated as students' topic-related knowledge structure. Multilevel analyses revealed a significant positive effect of teachers' use of specific and challenging focus questions on students' topic-related knowledge structure. Furthermore, a comparative case analysis of the classroom teaching-learning process was conducted in four lessons where teachers used specific and challenging focus questions in two of the lessons and non-specific or simple focus questions in the other two lessons. The findings indicate that specific and challenging focus questions anchored lessons on students' co-construction of scientific explanations by activating their pre-instructional ideas, whereas non-specific or simple focus questions anchored lessons on their accumulation of canonical scientific knowledge. This study's limitations and implications for teacher education reform are discussed. (Orig.).  
Projekt Qualität von Kommunikation im Unterrichtsgespräch als Kriterium der Unterrichtsqualität im Biologieunterricht
Förderkennzeichen 01JG1074