Rahmenprogramm des BMBF zur Förderung der empirischen Bildungsforschung



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Autoren Stöckinger, Corinna; Kretschmer, Sara; Kleinert, Corinna  
Institution Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe  
Titel Panel attrition in NEPS starting cohort 6. An analysis of survey participation, refusals and non-contacts in waves 2 to 7.  
URL https://doi.org/10.5157/NEPS:SP35:1.0  
Erscheinungsjahr 2018  
Seitenzahl 44 S.  
Verlag Bamberg: Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe  
Dokumenttyp Monographie; online  
Beigaben Literaturangaben; Abbildungen; Tabellen; Anhang  
Sprache englisch  
Forschungsschwerpunkt Bildungspanel (NEPS)  
Schlagwörter Antwortverhalten; Interview; Panel; Umfrage; Bildungsaspiration; Antwortkontrolle; Lesekompetenz; Beteiligung; Migrationshintergrund; Einkommen; Berufliche Stellung; Analyse; NEPS (National Educational Panel Study)  
Abstract In this paper, we describe panel attrition processes of the National Educational Panel Study Starting Cohort 6 (NEPS-SC6) to provide a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of changes in realized sample size and composition with respect to key variables from wave 2 to wave 7, based on the scientific-use file 7.0.0. First, we describe changes in the size and composition of the NEPS-SC6 subsamples over time with respect to the key variables of the NEPS adult survey: educational attainment, reading competence, employment status, income, migration background, employment status and socio-economic status. Second, we estimate multinomial logit models predicting the probability of interview participation, refusal, and non-contact in follow-up waves after the first interview for the different NEPS-SC6 subsamples. Here, we control for the NEPS core variables as well as for other respondent characteristics, respondents' previous interview experiences and interviewer characteristics. Both aspects-the detailed description of the realized subsamples by subgroups with respect to the key variables and the differentiation of nonresponse by refusals and non-contacts-complement the official weighting report of the NEPS-SC6 scientific use files by Hammon, Zinn, Aßmann and Würbach (2016) who focus on the documentation of sample sizes and on the calculation of weights predicting response and nonresponse. (Orig.).  
Förderkennzeichen 01GJ0888